Education Adventures

There is something exciting happening in education everyday.  From political postions to community propositions, never has there been a more thrilling and fulfilling time to be an educator. This blog belongs to every person that choosed to engage with us here. 

Curated to include a little of everything, because we have something to say about the direction of policy, effectiveness of curriculum, support for educators, and of course highlighting ways to make education better for our children. Think of this as a place for opinions, solutions, and smiles. If we are going to go on this adventure, let’s go on it together! 

The REAL Joy

The REAL Joy

Today as I entered the school I was working in today, I saw a group of students gathered around a table. I said to myself, “They must be giving free gifts of something.”

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Urban Schools

Urban Schools

I must admit that my bias kicked into play and I wondered “Do they refer to the school as urban?” So I asked, “Is this school considered an urban school?” and the principal said yes, we are an urban/inner city school.

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Florida Location

3524 Hampshire Ct.
Suite 201
Palm Harbor, FL 34685
United States

Phone: +1 281-961-0559


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